Here we tell some stories and show some of our current projects.

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What started off as a way to recycle bottles that had been enjoyably emptied, has evolved into a product line of excellent gifts. Modern technology allows us to laser-engrave complex images and text onto various bottles and drinking vessels. Contact us for prices and designs.

Who likes those plastic candles with a little LED light flashing at the top? Anyone? How about you at the back? No? Didn’t think so!

We are now supplying custom-made candles, made in Hungary, and printable with almost any design. Prices start from EUR 7 for small and single-sided candles, to the ones below (double-sided printed) for EUR 17 per candle. What’s with the bottle of wine in one of the photos below? Just for scale (and for drinking later!). 

If you want candles the size of garbage cans: we can supply!

It’s not every day that we get asked to make a Grand Master’s apron, so when we are, we make it to the very highest standard! Need one? Not a problem! Click here: Grand Master and Deputy GM Apron and we can make one for you, to your exact specifications in six weeks.

Let's start by pinning and then chalking the design.
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Then we add the shapes
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The craftsman adds in details
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And after much work...
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The details come together...
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The centre piece is finished...
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And finally the apron is ready to give years of service to its new owner.
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Some custom jewels on their way to their new owners:

We are frequently being asked if we can replicate old lodge jewels. ‘Yes’ is the simple answer. In older times, these were often made from 18 carat gold. To make such items in solid gold today can be prohibitably expensive (unless the Lodge has very deep pockets!).

Luckily, technology comes to the rescue: while not being made of gold, these modern replacements look the part, without the worry of them being stolen or lost: a replacement can be had for a fraction of the cost.

Ancient and very expensive.
Modern and not expensive at all!

We’re starting to make a couple of lapel pins, and while we’re hoping to have some progressive/side order themed ones along shortly, here’s the two we’ve got ready in stock. We’re very happy with the level of detail achieved on these items. If you have any ideas or requests please let us know: our artists can turn them into reality.

Two projects today! The effect of light conditions when creating a silk product for a UGLE Lodge, and some trial products for Grand Officers somewhere in Germany, made with finest leather and silk, with hand-stitched goldwork, bullion, and ‘broad plate’ threads:

Two fantastic banners are on their way to their new home in New York:
The making of a Grand Steward’s apron:
It's always a pleasure to make a stunningly beautiful apron! First, we choose the right quality lambskin.
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This one has the perfect grain, thickness and strength for what we need.
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Then, having marked out the pattern and sown on the levels, the hard work begins by painstakingly threading the silver wire into position by hand. Any twists or kinks at this stage would ruin the entire piece.
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Slowly the design comes together.
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The skill of our craftsmen stands up to the closest inspection.
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The completed apron.
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Now for the collar! Using chalk, the lightest touch of which will leave its mark, the pattern is outlined on the collar and the work begins of building up the embroidery.
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Just a bit of tidying up to do to clean the front.
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The back of the collar is stitched into place, along with a 'dongle' holder and retaining hook for the collar.
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The completed Dress Apron and Collar: ready to give years of service to its new owner.
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How about a handmade Undress Apron and Collar to go with that Dress apron?
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Some ‘bits and pieces’ that crossed our desk this week:
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